Relationship games.
I've been thinking a lot about them today.
Mainly because I got caught up reading blogs about 'no contact' and 'games men play' and 'how to get your ex back' and 'how to get him to treat you like a goddess' and 'the rubber band theory' 'using no contact and the rubber band theory to get your ex back and get him to treat you like a goddess' ... you get the drift.
And while I am open to the idea that men and women have some biological differences and that men and women are socialised differently and enculturated with different ideas about relationships and sex, I CANNOT get on board with the idea that ALL men think one way and ALL women can circumvent/overcome/trap/negotiate this thinking with strategy. I tried swallowing this but .. I just gagged.
I certainly can see some merit in the premise that if your lover is backing away and treating you like you aren't a priority then, you need to back off as well - but this seems to be common-sense and more about keeping your dignity rather than anything else.
The problem (as far as I can see) is that even if you are loathe to play games, if a lover starts to behave like a jackass then, they leave you with little choice that to back away and give them some time to consider life without you. Of course, if somebody pulls away and withdraws their affection/love, one tends to miss them/it and, like a junkie who is missing a fix, there can be a tendency to seek out the source of the fix - we want to (re)feel the oxytocin flooding through our system again .. we want to feel good.
So, the first instinct is to behave like a junkie and try to beg/borrow/steal our fix .. but this doesn't always pan out like we hope and if the supply withdraws even further well, that's when panic sets in.
But, I am being general and vague and euphemistic and really, if this blog is about anything at all, it's about MY experience.
So, here goes.
My lover is still withdrawing. After coming back around yesterday and calling a few times and meeting up with me on skype (which, if you recall was short and not-so-sweet), he has disappeared again today.
Given it's only been 24 hours, you may think I am being premature with my woe but, there are extenuating circumstances.
I'll explain.
- I think after my little meltdown last week that I have made it pretty clear that I was upset with him vanishing without contact.
- While I can accept that this is more about his emotional shit at the moment and nothing to do with him and I per se .. he is managing to get up and get his butt to work every day and so, I am sceptical that he is unable to 'handle' sending an email or text.
- Last night, after the rather awkward skype session, I sent him and email saying I was feeling a bit lost (I know, I know .. but that is besides the point). I then sent another, much more upbeat one wishing him a good day and sharing some good news I had recieved. AND .. this morning, because I was still awake at 4am and knowing he would be at work, I sent him a sexy text (he had indicated that sex was not on his mind at all during the skype chat but, I was hoping to start scratching the surface to re-engage him ..).
So .. his silence is not just silence after our talks yesterday, it is silence after 2 emails and a text. I have NEVER, EVER, EVER sent three comms in a row without waiting for a response and I am kicking myself for doing it because it seems that I have placed myself on the game board and already rolled all my die ... and I rolled snake eyes.
My 'plan' (for want of a better word) was to send the perky email and the sexy text and then only respond to his responses after a while - I wanted him to think that I was feeling better about things and that I was not going to be demanding his attention immediately. You see, I am used to getting almost/immediate responses, and I am used to him doing most of the contact and pretty much all of the initiating. So this is unfamiliar territory and it appears that I have botched it.
He maintains that it is his emotional crisis that is driving him (or rather, not driving him) right now and that the hike in meds is making him tired and unable to cope with as much comms as usual (as I was typing that I was thinking that if I was reading this blog I would have snorted out loud upon reading that last sentence). As I said, I am not entirely clear how he can be SO overwhelmed that he cannot just send a text - especially when I made it clear last week how hurtful it felt for him to just vanish - and double-especially when he seems more than capable of going to work (did I already mention that? I did didn't I).
So, having shot my wad with the three messages, all I can do is sit back and watch/wait. It feels calculated, it feels inauthentic and it feels .. like a game. And it appears that I can sneer at those websites that outline the rules for these male/female games all I want. I am playing whether I want to or not.
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