Tuesday 3 September 2013

WTF is wrong with me??

After 5-ish days of being strong and not contacting, I broke today. 

Don't panic - I 'simply' sent a text saying I hoped things had settled down and that I missed him if that counted for anything. Nothing to feel bad about right???

He responded not long after with a breakdown of his week and saying he missed me to and asking if I wanted to 'talk again'. 

I spent an hour considering my answer (I kid you not) until I finally sent through: 'okay'.

I know right? Not my most articulate moment. 

Funny thing - that was over 3 hours ago so, he hasn't exactly rushed home to catch up .. I should have just let it be .. I DIDN'T want to know how great his new, 'laid back'life is .. and it was easier to work at remembering I was meant to be moving on than it is to speculate (again) why I have put myself in the position of feeling crappy because of this man. 

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