Thursday 5 September 2013

The BITCH is Back

I read through my last few posts last night. I also penned (but didn't send - thank Yoda - a rather angsty email to O) ... then I sat back and thought to myself .. WTF woman? You are BETTER than this!

So, I gave myself a good, hard bitch slap. 

And I re-read "Why Men Love Bitches"and then, I decided that I am bringing back the bitch. The sexy. sassy, in-control of herself, un-needy, spontaneous, funny, smart woman who snagged this man in the first place. 

And no, I am NOT bringing her back for him, I am bringing her back for me. 

Somewhere along the line I got lost in this relationship .. I adore O and I love the way he makes me feel .. but I have just GOT TO stop looking to him to see whether or not I am 'happy' today. If he calls/contacts - great! If not .. well, that's okay to. 

I was NOT looking for a relationship when he and I met. I am not really looking for one now. Okay, I would love it if he and I became secure and happy with one another - but, that may or may not happen, there is simply no way to tell. It probably won't happen if I keep going the way I am and when it falls apart - I am the one who is going to be lost because I have been looking to him for my fun and happiness .. and that just ISN'T ME. When did this happen to me? When did I farm out my sense of self?? .. I can't recall the exact instance but .. it happened. 

No more. Absolutely not. Shit has to change. Time to re-find me. 

I hope he comes along for the ride, I really, really do but, if he doesn't, no amount of moping or worrying or crying will make it so. 

More later .. right now I have some planning to do - it starts tomorrow. 

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