Friday, 19 July 2013

The Internet Connection

So .. as I stated, he and I met online. 

For him, this was nothing new as he has been actively 'meeting' women online for about 10 years. For me however, it had been 10 years since I chatted or talked to anybody online - and yet, we were both coming from and in the same space at that moment.

For him, even though he had been online for years and had 'met' many people - some which moved to online or 'real life' (if you buy the term), none of these had really been successful. 

For me, I have met two med-term relationships online after only being involved with 2 men online - so, 2:2. However, both of these relationships went down the toilet rather spectacularly and both were initially distance and after number 2, I just didn't have it in me to do it all over again so, for the past 10/11 years, I have avoided 'meeting' people online. 

Cue November last year, a Friday night:

I was bored, I had taken a vacation from work and was a few months in. I was also a bit keen for human company - something which had not happened to me in many, many years. So, I Googled, clicked on the second link and signed onto a dating site (I was looking for a chatroom but it seemed that these are now primarily attached to dating sites - things have changed in 10 years). 

I spent the first 24 hours in the chatroom, rather bored but enjoying the company nevertheless and also fending off messages from men who have either been online way too long or, have no idea how to speak to women in any medium - or possibly both. 

24 hours in I had been online on and off for the whole night/day and was all-but-ready to call it quits when I went back into the chatroom .. and there he was. 

Yes, his name jumped out at me .. but it was the way he spoke that made me look at his profile and that together with his picture - I'm not talking about him being good-looking here .. I am talking about seeing a face/clothes/expression that just 'speaks' to you - well, I got butterflies, possibly for the first time in 10 years. 

We spoke only briefly and he had to go .. but I was excited - and decided to hang in there with this website. That was on the Saturday. 

It was on the following Tuesday that he reappeared and within moments he had sent me a private message (I gave him hints in the room :) ) .. and it started there and has never stopped. We talked (well, he talked more, I was all finger-tied and couldn't relax - it was crazy!), and made arrangements to meet the following day .. and the next .. and the next .. and we have barely missed a day since (well, he 'vanished' once or twice for a few days but that came much, much later). 

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